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Built-in Parts

In Molecule, we are based on the 6 core UI modules, and many commonly used UI modules in IDE Workbench are built in by default, so that we can quickly meet the needs of developers. These modules have built-in a series of Service, allowing us to operate or extend through Extension.


As shown in the picture above, the current built-in parts mainly include 7 modules: Explorer, FolderTree, EditorTree, Search, Output, Problems and Notification.

Let's see how to use these parts.


Explorer as an important navigation module in Workbench, it is responsible for displaying the current work directory information, as well as the tags currently being edited, and related folders and other information.

If you want to customize the Action Bar UI,use:

id: 'actionId',
name: 'actionName',
icon: 'add',

Add a new panel item

id: 'panelId',
name: 'panelName',
renderPanel: () => <span>Panel Content</span>,
toolbar: [],

renderPanel returns the content of the custom rendered panel, toolbar is used to customize the toolbar.

Listen to Explorer events

// Listen to the click event of the Toolbar
(panel: IExplorerPanelItem, toolbarId: string) => {
// do something

// Remove panel
molecule.explore.onRemovePanel((panel: IExplorerPanelItem) => {
// do something

In addition, we have built-in the Outline module by the way, but if you want Outline to work, you need to cooperate with other language libraries to implement it.


FolderTree is the sub-module responsible for file tree display in Explorer. Default events such as folder creation, file creation, and refresh are built-in by default.

Add/Remove nodes to FolderTree:

// Add the tree data into folderTree
id: 0,
name: "Molecule-Demo",
fileType: "RootFolder",
location: "Molecule-Demo",
isLeaf: false,
data: "",
children: [{
id: 1,
name: "test.js",
location: "Molecule-Demo/test.js",
fileType: "File",
isLeaf: true,
data: {},

// Remove the tree node which id is 0

Listen to events of FolderTree

// Listen to the create node event
molecule.folderTree.onCreate((type: FileType, id?: UniqueId) => {
// do something

// Listen to the remove node event
molecule.folderTree.onRemove((id?: UniqueId) => {
// do something

// Listen to the select node event
molecule.folderTree.onSelectFile((file: IFolderTreeNodeProps) => {
// do something

Enable sorting

// Toggle whether to enable sorting, which is disabled by default.

For more information about the use of FolderTree, please refer to the API documentation.


We don't have default node removal logic built into FolderTree, but you can customize it using remove method.


EditorTree is responsible for displaying some editing tags currently working in Explorer. Molecule currently does not provide too many APIs to support the extension of this UI, but more basic event handling.

Listen to events of the basic operations of EditorTree:

// Listen to the tab close event
molecule.editorTree.onClose((tabId: UniqueId, groupId: UniqueId) => {
// do something

// Listen to the tab close event
molecule.editorTree.onSelect((tabId: UniqueId, groupId: UniqueId) => {
// do something

Search is a built-in search panel, which contains some common search, replace and other UI functions. The built-in search module of Molecule is just a basic UI module. The specific search or replacement function needs to be completed by the developer through some APIs:

Listen to the input of the search input control:

// Listen to the search input changed UniqueId, groupId: UniqueId) => {
// do something

// Listen to the event about replace all text in result UniqueId, groupId: UniqueId) => {
// do something

Use setResult to show search results :

// Display the result in panel[]);


The Output panel currently does not provide an independent API service object, but encapsulates it in the Panel service object. So if you want to update the content in the Output component, you should use the following API:

molecule.panel.appendOutput('typing...'); // Append the content into Output
molecule.panel.cleanOutput(); // Clean the Output

Regarding the detailed use of the search panel, we can refer to molecule-example


Output and Problems are both Panel's built-in UI components. At present, we do not provide a independent Service object for the Output panel, and we still need to use the molecule.panel service to operate.


Problems can be used to show some problems in the workspace, such as syntax errors, parameter problems, etc. Like Output, it is also a built-in component of Panel. But the difference is that we provide an independent service object for Problems, and all APIs for Problems operations are like this:

// Add problems Items
id: 1,
name: 'text.tsx',
isLeaf: false,
value: {
code: 'text.tsx',
message: 'Folder',
startLineNumber: 0,
startColumn: 1,
endLineNumber: 0,
endColumn: 1,
status: 1,
children: [],

// Remove the problems item which the id is 1

Use add to add Problems item, and remove to remove it.


Notification is a built-in notification bar UI component, we can use it to achieve common prompts, warnings and other functions.

Add notification content:

import molecule from '@dtinsight/molecule';
import { INotificationItem } from '@dtinsight/molecule/esm/model';

const notification: INotificationItem = {
id: '1',
status: ,
render: () => <p>Test notification!</p>
// Add the notification

// Remove the notification

The notification content needs to be customized by the developer using the render function.

Show/hide notification panel:

import molecule from '@dtinsight/molecule';
// Display or hide the Notification pane