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Version: 1.x


Molecule has built-in a simple internationalization (i18n) solution to support our basic internationalization needs. We have built-in three basic languages: simplified Chinese (zh-CN), English (en default) and Korean (ko-KR).


All code demos in this part are based on the molecule-demo project in Quick Start.

Switch language

We provide 2 ways to switch languages by default. The first way is to use the shortcut key Command/Ctrl + Shift + L:

Select Display Language

The second way is to use the shortcut key Command/Ctrl + , to open the Settings panel in the Editor, and then modify the locale field in the JSON configuration:

Select Display Language

After the modification is completed, Molecule will pop up an update message in the Notification bar, and then we can select Reload to reload the page application.


LocaleService provides some basic API methods, these methods can help us to complete the expansion of internationalization functions, for example:

Localize an object:

molecule.locale.localize('sourceKey', 'default value');

Set the current localized language:

// Set the zh-CN as the current locale language

Custom language

Internationalized language is also an extension of Molecule. We provide a very convenient way to customize the language, which is to use JSON files to define internationalized language package data.

Let's take a look at an example!

First, you can create a new folder named i18n under the extensions directory in your project.

├── index.ts
└── zh-CN.json

index.ts is used to define localized extension objects.

import { IContributeType, IExtension } from '@dtinsight/molecule/esm/model';

const zhCN = require('./zh-CN.json');
const locales = [zhCN];

export const ExtendLocales: IExtension = {
id: 'ExtendLocales',
name: 'Extend locales',
contributes: {
[IContributeType.Languages]: locales,

zh-CN.json is a language pack resource file of type ILocale:

"id": "custom-zh-CN",
"name": "简体中文 - 自定义",
"inherit": "zh-CN",
"source": {
"menu.file": "文件",
"menu.newFile": "新建任务",
"demo.running": "运行",
"demo.dataSourceManagement": "数据源管理",
"demo.terminal": "终端"

Among these properties, inherit is optional, indicating whether to inherit the existing (zh-CN/en) language files, and source indicates the specific localized data, whose content is expressed in the form of key-value.

After adding the language pack resource file, refresh the entire page. You can open the language switch panel with the shortcut key Command/Ctrl + Shift + L, and then you can find the 简体中文 - 自定义 option.


Unfortunately, although Molecule uses React to build the entire application, it is currently unable to switch languages in real time due to architectural reasons. The entire page application needs to be reloaded to refresh the locale.